Chanterelle Foggin 

I find myself in the long grass, casting shadows in paddocks, bent down in creek beds, all for the promise of the joy of the wild food hunt. It’s the wandering spirit, the foraging spirit that is innate, intrinsic, and available to all of us. I fill my baskets with seaweeds, fungi, plants, flowers, berries, and edible weeds and create magical meals and wild flavors. As the #wildfoodwitchofcobaki I play with foraged goodies like lemon myrtle and marshmallow fungi, to wild raspberries - all turned into magical meals 

I am Chanterelle Foggin. I am a forager, a wild food educator, a mushroom hunter, edible weeds advocate. Cook and food writer.  My wild food journey has taken me around Australia, and through shared knowledge, study and experience, and slight obsession, I find myself in a place where I eat wild foods and educate others about the wild, sustainable, convenient superfoods we have growing all around us.  

Join me here to explore my passion for wild foods, edible weeds, bush foods, and Fungi. Wild Food adventures, information, and my wild food recipes.  

Working with fine dining restaurant's and Australia’s best chefs to create wild food degustation events and supply wild foraged ingredient's to the restaurant industry. Conducting ‘treasure hunts’ for Children and Adults alike with “Fungi Flaneurs” and forays for local media and festivals. Hosting wild food events, and Workshops. Creating the “Forage and Grow NSW page” on Facebook as a platform to share creative food adventures, foster safe learning, and connect people through shared knowledge.  

Often at times, a cheeky unrepentant urban forager, always entertaining, this girl gone wild will set you out inspired into your own backyards, nature strips, and parks looking for a bit of the passion Chanterelle shares.  

Whether you join me here or at a wild food event or follow me @the_foragers_plate tummies and hearts will be full.